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Nichtkonformität im Fokus (EN)
Nichtkonformität im Fokus (EN)

Have you ever noticed a green apple among a bunch of red ones? That’s what we call nonconformity. It occurs when a product, service, process, or even the system itself doesn’t fulfill a certain requirement. In this case, the green apple doesn’t fulfill the requirement of being red. The essence of this training is to understand why this matters and how we should address it.

PPAP 101 (EN)
PPAP 101 (EN)

Are you joining a project where PPAP is required? Do you need to understand the PPAP basics? Do you want to know what to expect? If so, you’ve landed in the right place!

Our PPAP 101 Training aims to arm you with a comprehensive understanding of PPAP. You’ll get it explained in simple, easy-to-understand terms. This training will encompass:

  1. Understanding PPAP: What is PPAP? Why is it important?
  2. Exploring Levels of Submission: PPAP has different levels. We’ll guide you through them. And explain what each level involves.
  3. PPAP Deliverables: We’ll show you the different deliverables required in a PPAP.
  4. Navigating the Process: We’ll walk you through the entire PPAP process, step by step.

By the time you complete this training, you’ll hold a solid understanding of PPAP and possess the skills to effectively navigate a project where PPAP is a requirement.

Nichtkonformität im Fokus (NL)
Nichtkonformität im Fokus (NL)

Have you ever noticed a green apple among a bunch of red ones? That’s what we call nonconformity. It occurs when a product, service, process, or even the system itself doesn’t fulfill a certain requirement. In this case, the green apple doesn’t fulfill the requirement of being red. The essence of this training is to understand why this matters and how we should address it.

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Vous vous sentez dépassé par les détails de l'amélioration d'un processus d'entreprise ? Vous n'êtes pas seul. La bonne nouvelle, c'est qu'il existe des outils conçus pour simplifier cette tâche complexe. L'un de ces outils est un diagramme SIPOC, et si vous vous demandez ce que signifie SIPOC, vous êtes au bon endroit.

SIPOC est comme une feuille de route pour un processus. Imaginez que vous partez en voyage. Vous voudriez savoir d'où vous partez, quel chemin prendre et où vous finirez, n'est-ce pas ? Dans le monde des affaires, ce parcours est votre processus, et SIPOC est la carte qui le décrit.

Mais ce n'est pas tout ! Un autre outil, appelé COPISS, renverse SIPOC, en se concentrant plutôt sur le retour du client vers le fournisseur.

Alors, quel outil devriez-vous utiliser ? L'un est-il meilleur que l'autre ? Comment fonctionnent-ils ?

Ne vous inquiétez pas; cette vidéo vise à répondre à toutes ces questions en plongeant profondément dans l'analyse SIPOC et en la comparant avec COPISS. Que vous soyez une ceinture noire Six Sigma chevronnée ou un débutant qui se lance dans le monde de l'amélioration des processus, cette vidéo est faite pour vous.

Nichtkonformität im Fokus (NL)
Nichtkonformität im Fokus (NL)

Have you ever noticed a green apple among a bunch of red ones? That’s what we call nonconformity. It occurs when a product, service, process, or even the system itself doesn’t fulfill a certain requirement. In this case, the green apple doesn’t fulfill the requirement of being red. The essence of this training is to understand why this matters and how we should address it.

PPAP 101 (EN)
PPAP 101 (EN)

Are you joining a project where PPAP is required? Do you need to understand the PPAP basics? Do you want to know what to expect? If so, you’ve landed in the right place!

Our PPAP 101 Training aims to arm you with a comprehensive understanding of PPAP. You’ll get it explained in simple, easy-to-understand terms. This training will encompass:

  1. Understanding PPAP: What is PPAP? Why is it important?
  2. Exploring Levels of Submission: PPAP has different levels. We’ll guide you through them. And explain what each level involves.
  3. PPAP Deliverables: We’ll show you the different deliverables required in a PPAP.
  4. Navigating the Process: We’ll walk you through the entire PPAP process, step by step.

By the time you complete this training, you’ll hold a solid understanding of PPAP and possess the skills to effectively navigate a project where PPAP is a requirement.